
American politics is depressing

Posted in Opinion at 12:24 pm by jw

What else can I say about a government that’s decided torturing and convicting on coerced testimony is all a pretty good thing for anyone they declare fitting for such treatment, not to mention an opposition that is so lost and floundering that they can’t actually put forward a popular case on why torturing people is actually a bad thing and not a “necessary tool”.

Been reading some interesting books lately that are definitely worth a browse:  John Dean (the same one who testified against Nixon in Watergate) has some good commentary on the current US politics in “Worse than Watergate” and “Conservatives without Conscience”.  Rather than a commentary by someone with progressive leanings, this is by someone who has been at the highest levels of government and seen how it operates from the conservative side of politics.  While the do paint a dim light on the current administration (not that it’s really necessary to do so – they are painting a dim enough light all by themselves), the books go into a lot more detail that is often missed in the media’s rush to press.

Anyway, both good reads and not too expensive as ebooks (my current preferred reading format).

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