
Moved in!

Posted in General at 9:01 am by jw

Been busy, hence the lack of updates (at least that’s the excuse I’ll make).

Moving was entertaining.  The day we decided to move was the day that the weather decided to put a nice sheet of ice all over everything for use to cope with.  Spent some time chipping the ice from the steps before actually moving anything so we didn’t kill ourselves trying to load stuff in the truck.

It was definitely a long day.  Given that it was just Tahnia and I moving stuff, she did an amazing job keeping up with the heavier stuff like couches and beds as we carted them all down to the truck to shift.  The other end was a bit easier – no steep/narrow stairwells to deal with.  I think we even managed to move it all without scratching up the wood floor, which is even more amazing (had to attach felt pads to the bottom of everything before putting it down).

So now we’ve moved and are slowly settling into our new place.  The pile of boxes downstairs is diminishing as we find places to put things and Tahnia’s gone nuts with home repairs and has taken to camping out at Home Depot to find new useful power tools.  Seriously though, she’s doing a great job fixing up “her house” the way she wants it and I’m just an engineer so there’s no way I’m getting between a graphic designer and home decorating.

I’ll post more when I have interesting stuff to write about.

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